Simulated Signal Relative to Random, \(\overline{\psi^{sim}_{N_i}}(c)\)

Output mean of \(\overline{\psi^{sim}_{N_i}}(c)\)

Saving \(\overline{\psi^{sim}_{N_i}}(c)\) for each network to use in computing \(\overline{\Psi^{Norm}_{N_i}}(c)\) in Matlab

##   num_ill foodnet       mean    median      low_95      up_95
## 1      20    RLG6 0.02595616 0.0198790 0.006079310 0.08720887
## 2      40    RLG6 0.02632625 0.0205240 0.006000742 0.08562780
## 3      60    RLG6 0.02661499 0.0209000 0.006058793 0.08595787
## 4      80    RLG6 0.02682210 0.0210285 0.006400753 0.08150440
## 5     100    RLG6 0.02701612 0.0212910 0.006846303 0.08771450
## 6     120    RLG6 0.02702434 0.0214290 0.006684230 0.08420105
##    num_ill foodnet       mean    median      low_95      up_95
## 55     100    RLG1 0.01769407 0.0112105 0.003399045 0.07601360
## 56     120    RLG1 0.01777238 0.0112285 0.003409678 0.07632570
## 57     140    RLG1 0.01772344 0.0111250 0.003482968 0.07548322
## 58     160    RLG1 0.01777088 0.0113420 0.003640952 0.07701877
## 59     180    RLG1 0.01778583 0.0112150 0.003370565 0.07488115
## 60     200    RLG1 0.01779426 0.0110630 0.003464060 0.07453635


Plot of \(\overline{\psi^{sim}_{N_i}}(c)\)

Convergence in \(\overline{\psi^{sim}_{N_i}}(c)\) over iterations